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applied toward the employee share of NYSHIP premiums deducted from

            bi-weekly paychecks in  each year. This credit  will be  divided  evenly

            among the State paydays that fall  between January 1 to December 31,
            2013of each year the employee elects to enroll.

            Eligible part-time employees:

               •  in Grades 1-17 who participate in any calendar year will forfeit a total
            of 3 or 6 prorated days of annual and/or personal  leave per year of

            participation and receive a prorated credit toward the employee share of
            their health insurance premiums based on their payroll percentage;

               •  in Grades 18-24 who participate in any calendar year will forfeit a total
            of 2 or 4 prorated days of annual and/or personal  leave per year of

            participation and receive a prorated credit toward the employee share of
            their health insurance premiums based on their payroll percentage.

            Appendix XII

            Voluntary Reduction in Work Schedule
            Program Guidelines Introduction:

               Voluntary Reduction in Work Schedule (VRWS) is a program that allows
            employees to voluntarily trade income for time off. The VRWS program is

            available to eligible annual-salaried employees in the Administrative
            Services  Unit  (ASU),  Operational  Services  Unit  (OSU),  Institutional

            Services Unit (ISU), and Division of Military  and Naval Affairs Unit
            (DMNA). Individual VRWS agreements may be entered  into for  any

            number of payroll periods up to a maxi- mum of 26 bi-weekly pay periods

            in duration and must expire at the end of the last payroll period in the fiscal
            1. Purposes

                  a. VRWS provides agencies with a flexible mechanism for allocating

            staff resources.
                  b. VRWS permits employees to reduce their work schedules to reflect

            personal needs and interests.
            2. Limitations: Eligibility, Work Schedule Reduction, Term of VRWS

               a.  Eligibility: This program is available to certain annual-salaried
            employees in the Administrative Services,  Operational Services,

            Institutional Services and Division of Military and Naval Affairs Units.

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