CSEA Local 436 held their installation dinner event on 9/26/2017. In attendance at the event were your elected officers and board members who will be in office from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2021. Also in attendance were representatives from western region 6. Flo Tripi region 6 President, Tim Finnigan 2nd VP, Steve Healy 3rd VP and Renee Chichester Labor relations specialist for Region 6.
We opened up the event by thanking everyone for attending and how she is looking forward to the next 4 years and working with the officers and board to help continue to move the local forward even in the difficult times that we are facing. Kathy then introduced region 6 president Flo Tripi who spoke about how fond she is of local 436 and Kathy. Following Floβs speech all officers and board representatives were asked to come to the front of the room where Flo then had all take the oath of office that they were assuming for their 4 year term.
At the end of the evening all where thanked for attending and reiterated how much we are looking forward to the next 4 years of working together with the newly elected officers and board representatives.