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any time between the date of full  recovery  specified in the medical

           documentation  and 80  calendar  days prior  to that date. However, in no

           instance may the mandatory alternate duty assignment begin earlier than 60
           calendar days prior to the date of full recovery provided by the examining

           physician. For any such employee who meets the eligibility criteria set forth
           above, as determined on the basis of medical documentation satisfactory to

           management, the  appointing authority is  required to  take  one  of the
           following actions:

             1. offer the employee a mandatory alternate duty assignment for up to 60
           calendar days which takes into account the employee’s physical limitations;

             2.  where a mandatory alternate  duty assignment cannot be  provided,

           arrange for the employee to receive a supplement equal to the difference
           between that employee’s full statutory benefit rate based on 100 percent

           disability and  the partial disability statutory benefit  rate paid  to that
           employee by the SIF. This supplement is  payable for  the period the

           mandatory alternate duty assignment would have been expected to last, not
           to exceed 60 calendar days.

             If a qualified employee does not request an alternate duty assignment,
           agency management  may direct the employee to return  to work on an

           alternate duty basis. Such alternate duty assignment shall be for up to 60
           calendar days and shall take into account  the employee’s physical

             The  employee who accepts a  mandatory alternate duty assignment is

           entitled to receive his/her regular full salary for the period of the mandatory

           alternate duty assignment. Where  an  employee declines  a mandatory
           alternate duty assignment, the employee will be referred to the SIF for an
           appropriate benefit determination. Employees who neither request nor are

           ordered to return to work continue to receive wage replacement benefits

           from the SIF in accordance with the Workers’ Compensation Law.
            C. Medical Documentation

             Medical documentation submitted to support an employee’s participation
           in the  Mandatory Alternate Duty Program must be satisfactory to

           management. This documentation should contain the following
           information: a statement that the employee is 50 percent or less disabled, an

           estimated date of full recovery that is within 80 calendar days of the date of

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