Page 178 - 2016-2021-ASU
P. 178

11.  Provisions for Payment of Banked  (Unused) VR  Time in

           Exceptional Cases

             The VRWS program is intended to be a program that allows employees to
           voluntarily trade income for time off. The agreement for program

           participation between the employee and management includes a plan for the
           use of VR time earned. Management must make every effort to ensure that

           VR time earned by an employee is used (1) under the terms of the individual
           VRWS agreement,  (2) before the September 30th liquidation date (see

           Section 5b), (3) before the employee separates from State service, and (4)
           while the employee is on the job he or she was in when the VRWS program

           agreement was made. If this is not possible, payment for banked (unused)
           VR time may be made in exceptional cases that fall under the following

             (a) Upon layoff, resignation from State service, termination, retirement or

           death, unused VR time will be paid at the then current straight time rate of

             (b)  Upon movement of an employee from one agency to  another or
           between facilities or institutions within an agency, unused VR time will be

           paid  at  the  then  current  straight  time  rate  of  pay  by  the  agency  or
           facility/institution in which the VR time was earned, unless the employee

           requests and the new agency or facility/institution accepts the transfer of the
           VR time on the employee’s time card. The  lump sum payment for VR

           balances upon movement to another agency or facility/institution will be
           made irrespective of whether or  not  the employee is granted a leave of

           absence from the agency where the VR time was earned. Payment will be

           made  within  two  payroll  periods  following  the  move  to  the  new
             (c)  VRWS ending balances must  be segregated for  each fiscal year.

           Employees who accumulate VR time in a fiscal year and who are unable to

           use the VR time by the applicable September 30th liquidation date due to
           management requirements predicated on workload will be paid at the then
           current straight time rate of pay. Payment will be made within two payroll

           periods following the applicable September 30th liquidation date. Requests

           for payment in the exceptional cases specified  in this subparagraph,  as
           distinct from those specified in subparagraphs (a) and (b) above, should be

           directed to GOER Research Division-VRWS Program and will be decided

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