Page 181 - 2016-2021-ASU
P. 181

entitlement to workers’ compensation benefits pursuant to rule or contract.

        Following 28 consecutive calendar days of absence due to a work-related

        injury or illness, the VRWS agreement is suspended and the employee is
        returned to his or her normal full-time work schedule and pay base.

        Leave Donation - Employees who are absent using donated leave credits
        for 28 consecutive calendar  days will have their VRWS agreement

        Military Leave - No impact on eligibility or entitlement.

        Jury-Court Leave - No impact on eligibility or entitlement.
        Paid Leave Balances on Time Card - There is no requirement that leave

        credits  be exhausted prior  to the beginning of the VRWS agreement.
        Vacation, sick  leave  and holiday balances are carried  forward without

        adjustment; the personal leave balance is prorated.
        Shift Pay - Prorate.

        Inconvenience Pay - Prorate.
        Location Pay - Prorate.

        Geographic Pay - Prorate.
        Pre-Shift Briefing - Prorate.

        Standby Pay - No impact.
        Salary  -  Normal  gross salary earned  is  reduced by the percentage of

        voluntary reduction in work schedule. There is no effect on the base annual

        salary rate.
        Payroll - The employee never leaves the payroll. An employee remains in
        full payroll status with partial pay for the duration of the agreement period

        and receives pay checks each pay period at the agreed upon temporarily

        reduced level.
        Return to Normal Work Schedule - An employee will return to his or her
        normal full-time work schedule  and pay basis upon  completion  of  the

        VRWS agreement period.

        Banked (Unused) VR Time Upon Return to Normal Work Schedule -
        VR time credits may be carried forward on the employee’s time card after

        completion of  the individual VRWS agreement period but must be
        liquidated by the September 30th after the end of the fiscal year in which

        the employee’s individual agreement expires. VRWS ending balances must
        be segregated for each fiscal year.

        Banked (Unused) VR Time Upon Separation - Unused VR time credits

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