Page 189 - 2016-2021-ISU
P. 189

voluntary reduction in work schedule. There is no effect on the base annual

         salary rate.

         Payroll - The employee never leaves the payroll. An employee remains in
         full payroll status with partial pay for the duration of the agreement period

         and receives pay checks each pay period at the agreed upon temporarily
         reduced level.

         Return to Normal Work Schedule - An employee will return to his or her
         normal full-time work schedule  and pay basis upon  completion of  the

         VRWS agreement period.
         Banked (Unused) VR Time Upon Return to Normal

         Work  Schedule  -  VR  time credits may be carried forward on  the
         employee’s  time  card  after  completion  of  the  individual  VRWS

         agreement period but must be liquidated by the September 30th after the end
         of the  fiscal year in which the employee’s individual agreement expires.

         VRWS ending balances must be segregated for each fiscal year.
         Banked (Unused) VR Time Upon Separation - Unused VR time credits

         will be paid at the straight time rate upon layoff, resignation from State
         service, termination, retirement or death.

         Banked (Unused) VR Time Upon Promotion,  Transfer  or
         Reassignment Within an Agency or Within a Facility or Institution  -

         Unused VR time credits are carried forward on the employee’s time card
         when movement is within an appointing  authority. Continuation  of the

         VRWS program agreement is at the discretion of management.
         Banked (Unused) VR Time Upon Movement From  One Agency to

         Another or Between Facilities  or  Institutions Within  an Agency  -

         Unused VR time credits will be paid at the straight time rate by the agency
         or facility/institution in which the VR time was earned, unless the employee
         request and the new agency or facility/ institution accepts the transfer of

         VR time on the employee’s time card.

         Health Insurance - No effect; full coverage.
         Dental Insurance - No effect; full coverage.

         Employee Benefit Fund - No effect.
         Survivor’s Benefit - No effect.

         Retirement Benefit Earnings - Participation will reduce  final average
         salary if the VRWS period is included in three years of earnings used to

         calculate final average salary.

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